I'm not very good at keeping a blog. It's been quite some time since I've written anything here. But, I'm learning as I grow, that sometimes it's so important to stop and write out a thought. Or else you lose it. And so often, the loss of a thought is a terrible thing. Today was different, though.. The most amazing this just happened to me. I was so stressed, worried, and anxious about something . Like, I was physically reacting to the stress. My heart was racing, I was getting hot, I was fidgetting. I knew in my brain that I had only a few seconds to respond to this anxiety or I would be in trouble. *Nothing up to this point is amazing. These things happen often, probably to more people than just myself. I was caught up in the everyday tasks of life.* This is the amazing part: something happened, I'm not even really sure what. But y'all, I forgot what I was freaking out about. I forgot. Completely. I have no earthly idea what I was getting so worked up ...