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Showing posts from August, 2014

The First Week of School!

The First Day of School (the whole first week, really) was somewhat of a blur. It flew by so quickly! I don't remember much of my week. I do remember that I love my job and my school! I also remember that I got and survived my first back-to-school cold as a teacher (my kids are amazing, but germy). This week flew by so fast, I can only imagine how fast this year is going to go. Before I know it, my precious little Kindergarten babies will be ready for First Grade. It's a reminder to cherish all my moments with them...even the ones when they make me want to pull my hair out. I walked into Quitman County Elementary School Monday morning bright and early at 6:30am. I was full of energy and nerves, completely unsure what was going to be walking through my door an hour later. Were they going to be excited to be at school? Terrified? Were there going to be criers? And then they arrived. A group of 16 little humans, all with their own personalities. Some were excited to be there, so...

The First Day of School!

Tomorrow is the First Day of School! I simultaneously feel like this day has snuck up on me and like I've been waiting for weeks for it to get here. I'm so ready, and so not ready, all at once. Either way, it is finally here and the different emotions I'm feeling at the moment would fill this blog twenty times over. As I spent the day stress eating everything in my apartment from apples to zucchini bread (made by my mom...and absolutely delicious), I wondered what my kids were feeling today. And realized that we're probably feeling many of the same things.  Nervous.Tomorrow starts a brand new school year for some of my students. And for some, this is a brand new experience completely. Going to school for the very first time. Not knowing what to expect. Tomorrow starts a brand new experience for me. My Summer Training, though great, could not have prepared me for what I will experience tomorrow. The crazy-ness, the joy, the exhaustion, the excitement! One of my mentor ...

Getting Settled

Whoa! Things have been a whirlwind since I've been back home in the Delta. For my first week back, I was in my last bit of summer training. I spent Monday-Thursday of that week in the same room for the greater part of the day,with other lower elementary teachers, learning from lower elementary content specialists. It was great- it got me pumped up for the year ahead. It was also somewhat of an information overload. And it started to sink in for me how big a job teaching Kindergarten is. I've spent so much time focusing on how fun it's going to be. How much I'm going to fall in love with my babies. But, we have a lot to do! For a lot of my kids, this is the first school experience they've ever had. We have to learn how to go to school- how to walk in the hall, how to go to lunch, how to sit on the carpet, and the list could go on and on. And then there's the content. We're going to learn so much this year- our letters, our numbers, our shapes, how to read, ho...