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The First Week of School!

The First Day of School (the whole first week, really) was somewhat of a blur. It flew by so quickly! I don't remember much of my week. I do remember that I love my job and my school! I also remember that I got and survived my first back-to-school cold as a teacher (my kids are amazing, but germy). This week flew by so fast, I can only imagine how fast this year is going to go. Before I know it, my precious little Kindergarten babies will be ready for First Grade. It's a reminder to cherish all my moments with them...even the ones when they make me want to pull my hair out.

I walked into Quitman County Elementary School Monday morning bright and early at 6:30am. I was full of energy and nerves, completely unsure what was going to be walking through my door an hour later. Were they going to be excited to be at school? Terrified? Were there going to be criers? And then they arrived. A group of 16 little humans, all with their own personalities. Some were excited to be there, some were terrified, and some did cry. But, we made it through the first day of school together. And in our first week, we've already learned so much! We learned all about our new school and took a tour. We learned how to walk in a line.We learned how to sit on the carpet. We learned different routines to make our classroom productive. 

After spending only a week with this amazing group of kids, I am completely obsessed with them! I'm obsessed with how much they're going to learn this year, what they like, and the funny things they say (because they are hilarious! I'm keeping a collection of quotes so that I can one day publish a book). 

The thing about being a teacher is, after getting through the first week of school, having pretty much no idea what I was doing, I get do it all over again the next Monday (although, I should have a better idea what I'm doing). Needless to say, I was looking forward to this weekend. Not just because I got to sleep past 4:30am, but also because I came to spend the weekend in Jackson with a couple of my friends, because one of them had to take a Praxis exam. We were going to have an exciting weekend of certification exams, errands, lesson plans, movies, junk food, and Chick-Fil-A (a stop there was a must). However, for those of you that know me, know that things rarely go the way I plan them. And so, our weekend looked more like this: 

Margarita and I made the 3 hour trip from Clarksdale to Jackson Saturday morning and ate lunch with Hannah at Chick-fil-A (and it was amazing). After lunch, Margarita took Hannah's car to her Praxis exam while Hannah and I ran errands around town in my car. As we're sitting in traffic, my car decides to just turn off. Now, I don't have the best luck with my car, so I immediately went into problem solving mode. I was able to turn it back on but couldn't leave the A/C running or it would continue to shut off anytime I was idling (and it August in Mississippi, that is not a good thing). So we took the car to have the battery tested, it was fine. There were no lights coming on on the dash to warn me of what was happening. So, I had no idea what to do next. So, naturally, I called my dad. After taking my car to two more places, I got a recommendation for a mechanic in Jackson. I called and he was gracious enough to open his shop just to look at my car because he knew it wasn't safe for me to drive back to Clarksdale. Instead of waiting in the hot car, Hannah and I decided to walk to the BMX competition we could see from the mechanic. Once bored with that, we walked to a nearby shopping center. We happened upon the coolest GoodWill I've ever seen, where I scored some great pillows for my reading area. Yay! I don't know why we thought it would be okay to walk all of these places in Mississippi, in August. Because, it was blazing hot. But Margarita was on her way back from her exam to pick us up. So everything was great...a cold drink was in our very near future! However, while turning onto the very street where we were waiting, Margartia got into an accident. She is completely fine, Praise God. Hannah's car though, not so much. So, we went from two cars to zero in a few short hours. Thank goodness, The Car Doctor in Jackson was able to fix my car. Unfortunately, Hannah's car was towed to a body shop but hopefully it will be a quick fix! All in all, not a great weekend for cars. We did manage to eat our junk food and get a minuscule amount of work done, though.  

My life is crazy. You'd think I'd be used to that by now. Like my kindergarteners, I learned quite a lot this week: #1 Kindergarten is hard work, #2 Kindergarten ROCKS! #3 My God will always provide a way, and #4 Great friends make any situation fun, no matter how bad it is.


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