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Whole30 Update: This isn't fun anymore

Hey people! I hope your Monday isn't feeling so much like a Monday today!

I started this post last night. I wish I would have finished and posted it then because I was feeling pretty good. Today, however I'm feeling pretty poopy. Mentally, I'm past the point of excitement and I'm on to the "this isn't really fun anymore" part. Physically, I go back and forth between feeling lousy and just weird. See more details below on the craziness that a sugar detox does to you. But, the good news is, I'm more than 1/10th of the way through my 30 Days (Today is Day 5). I've learned a few things to share with you guys:

1. Sugar is in everything! EVERY. THING.
I couldn't find a breakfast sausage or bacon that didn't have sugar in it. And it was almost impossible to find a spaghetti sauce. Prego Simply is a good option, but my grocery store was out. I did find a Whole30 compliant sauce in the health food section.

2. Sugar detox does some weird stuff to your body.
Day Two was really really tough. I had a headache pretty much all day. Plus I had some really bad cravings. But I powered through and ended my day with some self-care (a foot soak, a face mask, and The Office on Netflix) and went to bed early.
I've been going to the gym regularly now for just over a year. I've learned that my workouts can vary greatly depending on what I've eaten the day or two days before (and of course, the morning of). Workouts the morning after a Taco Bell dinner aren't anything anyone wants to see. Or experience. I just knew I would kill today's workout - I mean, I've been putting the best of the best in my body for the past four days. Nope. I was slow, tired, dizzy, and nauseous. And therefore frustrated. I was actually relieved to find out that these are all symptoms of sugar detox. From what I've read, a sugar detox takes 10 days (I'm halfway there! Whoo!). In a few days, I should be good as new!

3. Sugar detox does weird stuff to your brain.
Sugar detox messes up your sleep schedule so I've been waking up multiple times in the middle of the night (very unusual for me). When I am asleep, I've had some seriously bizarre dreams. Including one where I was selling book bags full of marijuana around town. I did get arrested, so justice was served. Thank goodness.

4. When a blog says a Whole30 brownie recipe is "kid-approved," the writer is either lying. Or those kids have never eaten a real brownie. 
I had some friends over this weekend and I wanted to have something as close to a dessert as I could get and still be Whole30 compliant. So I scoured Pinterest and found a simple brownie recipe that was featured on several blogs where it was commented that the brownies were "kid-approved." So I made them, and while I thought they were pretty good for something that didn't have flour or sugar, every kid that tried them was absolutely disgusted. Like, they all spit them out immediately. I can only assume that the children referred to in these blogs had never tasted a real brownie.  

Honestly, at the beginning this was kind of fun. It was new and exciting and I truly began with the end in mind. When I started Day 1, I was thinking about Day 31. It wasn't easy but I was excited and that helped me push through. But that feeling is fading as my cravings get stronger and now I'm feeling more of the difficulty of this journey. But I know it's so good. So I'm holding on to the goodness of it. I'm already more aware of what I put in my body. And what's in our food (again - sugar is in literally everything). And how easy it can be to make healthier choices when it's planned for. So I'm going to go plan my Week 2 menu now and not think about how much I really want a bowl of Frosted Flakes. 


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