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I'm a Teacher!

Ms. Hicks. That's my name now. So weird.

If I had any fleeting thoughts about throwing in the towel on this whole thing (which I did, because this has been the hardest thing I've ever done), they were gone last Monday morning when I met my summer school students. My class is made up of six of the sweetest, most brilliant rising First Graders. I have absolutely fallen in love with them. They make all of this hard work totally worth it!

My schedule has been insane- it seems worse than when I was in college, even. My day starts at 4:30am. I have to be down to breakfast by 5:30am so that I can be on the bus to head to school by 6:00am. During and after school we have to attend different Professional Development sessions lasting as late as 8:30. Then of course, there are lesson plans due everyday, data to input everyday. And I try to go to the gym for 30 minutes. Last week I didn't get to bed before 1am. I spent this past weekend getting ahead of the game so that I can have more time for important things in life, like sleep. And phone calls with my parents. This isn't even to mention the craziness that is teaching during the day- I have to have 17 things in my head at the same lesson plan schedule, when lunch is, behavior management techniques. They're all happening at the same time. It's crazy!

I love Quitman County Elementary School- the staff that I have met so far are absolutely wonderful. God has totally blessed me with this placement. Everyone I've talked to has said that QCES is the dream school to be placed in! For the summer, we teach in collabs. And my collab is the best! The three of us will be working at QCES in the fall so we've bonded over that and have already become close! They're amazing. We've only been teaching together for a week and I've already learned so much from each of them.

I have found a church in Cleveland that I enjoy attending- it reminds me very much of a church plant, even though it isn't. It's not anything like the worship style I'm used to. But, it's full of friendly people who love Jesus and share my fundamental beliefs. As long as that is there, I can get over the rest. 

I will be going to look at houses in Clarksdale this weekend (so grown up! AH!). There aren't really places to rent in Lambert where QCES is located. Clarksdale is the closest biggish city, about 30 minutes away. What could be (and is for most people) an extremely stressful experience hasn't really phased me much. As I've told people...and gotten really weird looks in house has been divinely ordered. I'm simply on a mission to align the natural with the spiritual that has already been planned. God has poured blessing down in terms of my placement school. He will do no less in terms of where I'm to live. 

It's been a crazy few weeks. Some days it feels like I've been here for months. Others, it feels like I just got here because I have no idea what I'm doing. As I head to bed for a few hours before starting the craziness again tomorrow, I am thankful for this journey. I'm excited to take this adventure with God- I'm excited to see the ways that He is growing and preparing me for the purpose He's called me to.


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