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The First Day of School!

Tomorrow is the First Day of School! I simultaneously feel like this day has snuck up on me and like I've been waiting for weeks for it to get here. I'm so ready, and so not ready, all at once. Either way, it is finally here and the different emotions I'm feeling at the moment would fill this blog twenty times over. As I spent the day stress eating everything in my apartment from apples to zucchini bread (made by my mom...and absolutely delicious), I wondered what my kids were feeling today. And realized that we're probably feeling many of the same things. 

Nervous.Tomorrow starts a brand new school year for some of my students. And for some, this is a brand new experience completely. Going to school for the very first time. Not knowing what to expect. Tomorrow starts a brand new experience for me. My Summer Training, though great, could not have prepared me for what I will experience tomorrow. The crazy-ness, the joy, the exhaustion, the excitement! One of my mentor teachers compared the first day of teaching to childbirth (completely terrified me, by the way). But, I think she was trying to convey that this is one of those things- you have to experience it for yourself to know what it's truly like. 

Excited. The thrill of something new. This is all I've been thinking about the past few weeks, the past few months. This is all my students have been thinking about lately. And here it is. We've all spent the day organizing our school supplies (the best part of going back to school- brand new crayons and markers), packing our bookbags (yes, I still carry a bookbag- it's just so much more convenient than a shoulder bag!), and picking out what we're going to wear on the first day (don't worry, I'm sure I'll post a selfie at some point tomorrow), We're ready...we think.

Hope. Tomorrow is a starting point. It's new. We have 180 days to learn all that we need to learn to be ready for first grade. We're going to achieve, to grow, to make mistakes and learn from them. We're going to be ready. Kindergarten starts it all. The road college start with kindergarten. The future will be sitting in my classroom tomorrow, in tiny chairs, at tiny tables. I'm honored to play a part in their growth and achievement. They are amazing! They will do amazing things! And hopefully, they will look back on their year in Kindergarten with Ms. Hicks and have memories of joy and learning! 


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